Friday, August 17, 2007

An Inconvinient Truth

The documentary tackles about this very crucial issue that the whole world is facing today. Algor presented slides that are really alarming. In 2050, we will be facing negative situations which is very impossible to solve at that time. This is a serious problem which we should not take for granted. This problem should not be ignored because it will really affect our human life. I think we should really make an action and a move on this. Let us be responsible on this. There are ways to stop it. obey it.

Challenge yourself...

I am really striving hard to do best in everything that I do. In this week I challenge myself to get the highest possible scores that I can get in each subject. It is very hard because I usuallydo not exert too much effort to get it. But I challenge myself this week and I think I beat the challenge. I gain good grades and I am proud of myself. It is hard but I think hard works gain good things.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Follow the Golden Rule

The Golden Rule says "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

a. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates.

  • When you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitations.
- I would like to be respected. Even if I answered it wrong they should not laugh at me. Correct me if I done wrong but in a positive way.

  • When you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion.
- I like them to listen carefully. I'll be happy if they could appreciate what I am saying.

  • When you are giving suggestions during group work or presentaions.
- I would like them to treat me fairly. I would listen to their suggestions, they should listen to me too.

  • When you commit mistake
-I would be happy if they correct me in a nice way. No one is perfect, we all commit mistakes. Learning from this is good.

  • When you don't like doing what they ask you to do
-Respect my decision because at the end it is still my decision that will prevail.

  • When they want to give you their comments or suggestions.
-I would also treat them fairly. If they want to suggest something I would be listening to them because I respect them.

Think Positive

Let us put away those negative things and look forward to my positive side. As I list my positive characteristics and qualities, I realized that I also achieved this. Negatives could also be positives. I am happy that I acquire this things and I should treasure it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Common Personal Values

I listed some of my most important personal values that serves as guides on how to behave, and as a component of a valued way of life.
  1. Accomplishment
  2. Communication
  3. Cooperation
  4. Democracy
  5. Family
  6. Hardwork
  7. Justice
  8. Knowledge
  9. service

Monday, August 13, 2007

Classes are held in rooms where we almost spend our time with. At my first day as a freshman, the first thing I have to lookout is my classroom. My class room is Room 204 which is mostly my block section A72 usually have our classes. I notice at my first week that the rooms are cold and there facilities are all brand new and high technological. It is very convinient and very comfortable to held my classes to.

What I've Missed

Early in the morning while I was going to the campus lobby, I've seen a very large picture of the upcoming party. The party will feature bands Chicosci, Callalily, and Mom's cake. Rumors are bound everywhere that I go. They are all talking about this stuff. Unfortunately, I failed to go because I dont like rock!! hehe